Thursday, December 16, 2010

December revival late addition: They Live

THEY LIVE- with post film discussion- Tues Dec 21 at 8-IFC Center- I missed adding this one, but will make up for it now. John Carpenter's still underrated Reagan era/ yuppie era satire, shot through the filter of a sci-fi action film, and don't forget the great fist fight, possibly the longest most exaggerated in film history. Anyway, They Live gets a one night only screening. Unlike other days when it would be reserved for a midnight screening, They Live will be screened at a reasonable time, 8PM. With a post film discussion led by The Daily Show/ Mac commercial actor John Hodgman. He played PC opposite Mac, who was played by Justin Long. Anyway, I'll wrap this up by posting IFC Center's link to this. Normally I would cut and paste, but I don't feel like it. Let them sell, later:

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